Does the very sound of the words “root canal” send you running? You aren’t alone. Fortunately, the bad reputation that root canals have is absolutely not warranted. The reality is that root canals save teeth and stop your pain! The pain associated with root canals is really from the agony of an infected tooth. Here’s how it works: Inside your tooth and roots is a network of nerves and blood vessels called the pulp. While your teeth were growing into place, your pulp was necessary. In adulthood, that pulp stopped being vital, and in fact, tends to be susceptible to infection. And those infections are PAINFUL with a capital P. They can make your tooth sore, your gums throb, and your jaw ache. Thanks to modern dentistry, pulling that infected tooth is not the only way to stop your pain. With a root canal, your restorative dentist in Bend will simply:

  • Open your tooth the way we would when dealing with a cavity
  • Clear the infected pulp from inside your tooth and all the way down into the roots
  • Disinfect your tooth
  • Fill the entire tooth and roots with a special material that replaces the pulp, adds support, and keeps bacteria out
  • Rebuild, seal, and strengthen your tooth with a beautiful crown

All the infection, inflammation, and accompanying pain will stop, you get to keep your tooth, and your smile looks as if nothing ever occurred!