Your teeth and gums are constantly affected by every choice you make.

  • Plaque can build up, irritate, and cause infection in your gums before you have any symptoms like bleeding, redness, or swelling
  • Cavities can take hold without pain or noticeable discoloration
  • Tooth damage like cracks or wear can happen during nighttime clenching and you never realize it until an infection or imbalance begins
  • Oral cancer can develop with such subtle symptoms you never realize there’s an issue until it is too late

That’s why your general dentist in Bend is so emphatic about regular dental exams and screenings. These screenings protect both your health and your wallet by letting us discover issues while they are small, easier to treat, and have less impact on your overall health.

During your comprehensive exam your general dentist in Bend will:

  • Examine your gums for any sign of gum disease and measure your gum pockets
  • Scan your tongue, gums, and other tissues for the very first signs of oral cancer
  • Check your teeth for cavities, cracked or leaking fillings, or other damage
  • Look for signs of physical health issues
  • Take x-rays when necessary
  • Use an intraoral camera to take live video of your teeth

And we offer these exams to every member of your family. We want you to stay healthy for as long as possible–and ideally, for life!