Your dentist in Bend will often ask you things about your overall health as well as your habits, and with good reason. But there are times when patients aren’t comfortable sharing some aspects of their life with their dental team and instead try to keep these things a secret. However,… Read More…
Every time you visit your dentist in Bend you will most likely review your health history and discuss any changes that may have happened since your last appointment. This is an important part of making sure you get the best dental care, but why? Your dentist needs to know what… Read More…
We all know that good dental care helps protect teeth against cavities. But did you know that maintaining good oral health can also help protect overall health? In fact, research continues to show us that dental care is key to a healthy body. Join your dentist in Bend as we… Read More…
One of the most important parts of your regular dental visits is the time you spend with your dental hygienist. After all, these caring and invaluable team members provide preventive dentistry to each and every patient which helps keep their friends and neighbors healthy. So it only makes sense that… Read More…
When it comes to your oral health, it’s no surprise that your dentist in Bend puts so much importance on taking proper care of your teeth. But did you know that your gums are another crucial aspect to overall oral health? In fact, our gums are just as important to… Read More…